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Find Your Next Superstar

Grow Your Business

Are you a Staffing Agency that’s finding it difficult to scale your business? 

Have trouble finding and retaining quality recruiters? 

Or perhaps your current team just isn’t performing consistently enough, especially since remote work has become the new normal! 


At HPR, we have leveraged over a decade of experience to create an innovative recruitment service aimed at staffing agencies. 

Nobody knows better than a recruiter the true cost of a bad hire. Staffing agencies are dedicated to matching the right talents with their clients in several different industries, but considering that recruitment is a niche and a candidate-driven market now, they can struggle when it comes to finding able recruiters for themselves.

That’s where we come in! Thanks to our unparalleled understanding of the industry, we’re helping staffing agencies grow their headcount with quality hires and negligible employee turnover. 

Firms that work with us are able to scale at the speed of light, maintain their competitive edge, and typically grow their revenue plus client base several-fold by entering new markets. 

How We Do It

Building an unrivaled network of recruiting talent is easier said than done. However, our unique combination of digital marketing expertise which includes social media ad campaigns on LinkedIn and Instagram, and a knowledge base created via a YouTube Channel allows us to attract the sort of talent you won’t necessarily find on the job market. 

But what truly sets up apart is our commitment to helping talented recruiters master the fundamentals, and upskill themselves. We do this with our one-of-its-kind coaching program and training that continues well past the point where the candidate has been hired by your staffing agency. 

As inspiring leaders, we take pride in creating relatable content that both resonates and educates at the same time.

Intuition in business is overrated. Work with us to hire pre-vetted recruiters that stay the course, smash performance targets, and can help you scale your business in a competitive industry. 

Why Us

20 years and counting. That’s how much combined experience we have in the recruiting industry. From full desk recruiters to coaching future recruitment leaders; we have held multiple roles and received acclaim as top performers while we were at it. 

Throughout our journey, we noticed one problem plaguing staffing firms time and time again. The need for a more well-defined way to find and retain talent. 

So we set out to create a talent pool of highly accomplished recruiters.

We put our minds to work and built out a replicable strategy aided by a distinctive coaching program that helps take the pressure off of your management team.

By taking the guesswork out of hiring the right talent and allowing us to instill the right fundamentals in your potential employees; you can focus more on going more in-depth, dedicate time to impactful tasks and thus take your business to the next level!

Contact us for a free 30 min
consulting call