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How to find Tech Candidates ?

A number of years ago, I reached out to a potential client, and after a number of follow-ups, he eventually agreed to collaborate with me.

To what end?  

Because the other staffing agencies were not able to supply the appropriate profiles, much less maintain up with the pace that the client set.

The client was looking to hire software engineers with a very specific skill set, and despite the fact that one of my main strengths has always “been delivery”, I was stumped as to how I could succeed where so many of my other competitors had failed.

Read this article if you are interested in learning how I was able to meet their demands, how they eventually became one of my most important clients, and how I was able to use this successful strategy with a variety of other customers.


How do recruiters usually find their candidates ?


As a recruiter, when you are looking for candidates, you use:

  • LinkedIn
  • Job boards
  • Job Ads
  • Your Database
  • Your Network
  • Referrals
  • Marketing & Employer branding
  • and a Candidate Pipeline that you developed proactively; however, what do you do if none of these methods is successful?


However, what do you do if none of these methods is successful?


In order to provide a solution to this issue, you need to understand that the ability to deliver is dependent on the model that is presented here.


HPR Delivery Triangle Model

There are three parts to this model.

We are going to begin with the foundation:


(1) The process


And this particular phase is incredibly significant because there are a great many things that you can already do here to improve your delivery, and I will explain to you how you can accomplish all of these things.


Because if the process is too long, if the process is too heavy, if you have to chase for the feedback, the consequence will be that even if you manage to initially deliver on the job, even if you find candidates, you will lose many of them in the process anyway.


And if the process is longer than it should be, then it will increase the competition, which means a higher risk to have your offer rejected or to have to increase your initial offer. Because of this, it is important to keep in mind that.



Therefore, the first step in solving your delivery issue is to make the process clearer and as efficient as possible.


If you have a clear process, there will be no surprises, no additional steps that appear out of nowhere, and no hesitation to make an offer to a candidate who has been verified simply because the customer wants more choice.


You desire for the process to be as brief and straightforward as is practically possible.


(2) Your Responsibility in the process : Recruiter Empowerment


The second question is, what exactly is it that you are responsible for in this procedure?


Do you have any idea how much time you waste attempting to schedule an interview with the customer while you’re looking at a potential candidate?


All of the back and forth simply due to the fact that you are not involved in the decision making process not only wastes an enormous amount of time but also causes you to lose control and makes it significantly more difficult for you to pique the candidate’s interest in the role and obtain his commitment.


Therefore, after optimizing the processes involved, the second step to resolving your delivery issues is to obtain the appropriate commitment to work the project.


In order to be successful as a recruiter, you need a client who gives you the authority to conduct the initial screening and authenticate the candidate before moving on to the next level.


Because the client’s schedule already contains empty time slots, you are able to immediately book the interview without any need for back-and-forth communication.


And last, there is no competition, if there is any at all, because working with more than two agencies on the same assignment is a waste of time in a market that is driven by candidates anyway.


(3) Recruitment Conundrum


But what if the process is sound and you have the authority needed to control the process, but you are still unable to get the desired results?


After that, we move on to the next section of our model, which I refer to as the recruitment conundrum.


Because, recruitment is not easy, but recruitment is simple.


It is straightforward and if you are still unable to deliver at this stage, there are only two things that you can do, and I mean this in the context of recruitment in general, either you :


    (a) Increase resources


Which means more budget for job ads, job boards, LinkedIn, marketing and employer branding, to test new tools;

Or you develop the internal recruitment team, which means hiring more recruiters to fill more positions;

Or you use the services of a recruitment agency,

Or you upgrade your salary grid and increase your offers

That’s the first option available to you.


   (b) Lessen the standards

And the second choice is to lessen the standards:


The technical skills, the seniority level, extending the role to people who need a work permit, freelancers or people who don’t have degrees nor certifications.


Or you don’t require your employees to be onsite and offer a remote position.


When one of my clients is moaning about the state of the market or the difficulties of finding new employees, I always remind them of this:

There is no other method available for locating potential candidates.


It is never possible to do both; you must either raise the available resources or lower the demand simultaneously.


The truth about my secret recipe


When I was asked what I was doing to be so excellent at delivering candidates, many people anticipated that I would respond with a solution that was incredibly creative and unique while I apply the fundamentals and common sense.


And maybe there were other things that I was doing well, but when I look at it closely, there is certainly one thing in common: the clients where I have performed the best were those where I was doing the first screening, where I already had slots in the client’s agenda to plan the second interview straight away, where I had a clear process, and where I had very little or no competition.


Therefore, the truth is that when you are having trouble finding candidates, the problem stems from a lack of control, excessive expectations from the client, a lack of commitment and too many recruitment agencies working on the same job for too few suitable candidates.


Because we spend our days working on the same platforms and we are unable to produce more candidates than there are already available.