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Why recruiters don’t give feedback?

If you ask to a candidate having a poor opinion on recruiters, the absence of feedback is most likely one of the top three factors contributing to his opinion.

And to be honest, it is impossible to find somebody who has never had a negative experience in that sense.


And if any one of us can fail, any one of us can also improve! When you are feeling overwhelmed, and God knows how overwhelmed you may feel in recruitment, it is easy to make mistakes if you are not organized.

And I am also aware of the fact that not all recruiters were provided with the appropriate tools to avoid the common traps. And that’s the purpose of this article !


Because yes, if you are aware that it is difficult for you, if you experienced challenges in giving a proper feedback to your candidates as a recruitment consultant, then you should devise a plan to prevent this kind of circumstance from occurring.

How to aid recruiters, as well as candidates, to avoid this situation from happening because it is a two-way connection.


As a consequence, it is important to note that this is not just a question for recruiters, but also for candidates. Therefore, as a candidate, it is essential for you to have an understanding of how to participate in this strategy.


First and foremost, you need to address the issue before it arises


By laying out the parameters of the partnership right from the start and reaching a consensus with one another: the candidate and the recruitment consultant.


How can I get in touch with you most effectively ?


What is the most effective approach to communicate with the applicant, whether it be through emails, phone conversations, WhatsApp, or any other means?

There is no requirement that every communication is conducted via a phone call at all times. Maintain a straightforward approach, and resist the urge to go overboard in your efforts, as this is the surest path to feeling overwhelmed.


Also, how long will it take for you to provide feedback, and remember to be realistic and properly manage your expectations?

And then, based on their response, come to an agreement with them and get their permission.


In order for the two of you to be fully aware of what will come next.

Divide up the burden of responsibility.


Since you have already planned what comes after this, the next step is to choose who will play what part and who will be responsible for what.

It is a relationship that goes in both directions.


You want the candidate to have the impression that they are actively participating in the process. You have a message that you want to get across to others. You need to create an environment where they feel at ease getting in touch with you and they also need to be aware of what is the best way to reach out to you ? How do you prefer to connect with your candidates as a recruiter ?

“Mr. Candidate, I would like to schedule a call with you for this coming Friday at 11:00 AM.

It ought not to take place. But if I ever forget, please do not hesitate to contact me or send me a text message to remind me, and I will make sure to follow through with it as soon as I can.”


Thirdly, no feedback is a feedback.

Sometimes, since you are frustrated that you do not yet have any clear information to share with your candidate, you choose to postpone your call in the hope that you will be able to acquire the response that you are looking for in the interim. This is because you feel like you are falling behind.


With this strategy, you might be able to provide your candidate with helpful information at some point, but doing so is a mistake for a number of reasons. For starters and junior recruiters, it is typically the route that leads to a circumstance in which you feel overwhelmed or forget something.


And second of all, it is important information for your candidates to know that you, as their recruiter, didn’t forget them, that you are trying to get feedback from the hiring manager, and that you are working on it. And knowing that you are trying to get feedback from the hiring manager is an indication that you are working on it.


Therefore, you ought to restrict your attention to the aspects of the situation that lie within your sphere of influence, and you should adhere to the strategy you’ve devised.


And last, number four, the management of commitments and expectations.


The higher the level of commitment from the hiring manager, the greater the likelihood that the recruiter will receive feedback from them.


Therefore, the best method to ensure that your candidate receives feedback is to concentrate on committed jobs.


However, it is possible that you do not always have the commitment level that you wish. While this can be acceptable in some specific cases, you need to be honest and open about the situation in order to provide the candidate with complete transparency regarding what is ahead for him during the process. Don’t oversell the commitment you have with the hiring manager but be completely transparent.


Then, the two of you can decide collectively whether or not to pursue this process.


The next piece of advice is to avoid procrastinating.


When we don’t want to do something, we have a tendency to put it off until tomorrow. And providing unfavorable comments or turning down a candidate is not a very pleasant experience nor something a recruiter like doing.


Therefore, you decide to put it off, which ultimately leads you to a situation in which you either forget it or feel overwhelmed by it.


Therefore, you need to make that change and provide feedback as soon as possible.

Either optimistic or pessimistic in nature.

The use of technology can help you decrease the risk of delaying your input or forgetting to deliver it.


This brings us to point number six: technology is your friend.


Therefore, for instance, having the capability to group the candidates who are not going to make it to the second round of the recruitment process and to notify them that they are not selected or to notify the candidates when the opportunity within your ATS is closed, etc. are all examples of desirable features that will help you as a recruiter to provide feedback.


In addition, your applicant tracking system (ATS) or other technology can help you automate processes while also assisting you in consolidating your data.


so that you can get an accurate picture of how your candidate is progressing in the recruitment process.


And finally, tip number seven is to incorporate a weekly feedback meeting into your schedule.


So, for instance, every Friday at eleven in the morning, you go through your list either through an applicant tracking system (ATS) or, if you don’t have one, you can use a Trello, you can use Notion, or can use an excel sheet, and you make sure that every candidate on that list receives feedback.


And this bears repeating: none of us is perfect. We are all also capable of making progress.


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