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How to sell your services as a recruitment consultant working in a staffing agency

How to sell your services as a recruitment consultant working in a staffing agency It is essential for businesses that want to expand and maintain a competitive advantage to recruit the best employees. And because there is a shortage of talent, it is a significant obstacle, which led those organizations to make significant investments in […]

What qualifications do you need to become a recruitment consultant?

What qualifications do you need to become a recruitment consultant? What kinds of training and experience are required to become a recruitment consultant? And do you really require any of them? This is a question that comes up very frequently for me, and it’s great to see that people are interested in the sector. And […]

Why recruiters don’t give feedback?

Why recruiters don’t give feedback? If you ask to a candidate having a poor opinion on recruiters, the absence of feedback is most likely one of the top three factors contributing to his opinion. And to be honest, it is impossible to find somebody who has never had a negative experience in that sense.   […]

How to nail your recruiting interview: how to become a recruiter?

How to nail your recruiting interview: how to become a recruiter? Do the things that you do for a living now have anything to do with the things that you may have imagined doing when you were 18 years old? It’s unlikely, so don’t panic if you haven’t figured out what to do just yet; […]

How to find Tech Candidates ?

How to find Tech Candidates ? A number of years ago, I reached out to a potential client, and after a number of follow-ups, he eventually agreed to collaborate with me. To what end?   Because the other staffing agencies were not able to supply the appropriate profiles, much less maintain up with the pace that […]

How to become a successful recruitment consultant

How to become a successful recruitment consultant How to become a successful recruitment consultant Dear recruiters, do you ever feel hesitant and insecure when a new month begins, having the feeling the start from scratch again ? Two misconceptions on how to succeed in the staffing industry: First and first, I believe that the majority […]

9 reasons why should you become a recruiter

9 reasons why should you become a recruiter In this article, I’m going to explain to you nine factors that contribute to my profound sense of appreciation for having taken that decision at the outset of my professional life. And I will tell you why you should consider making it your career!  Learn, Earn or… […]